PWA Studio (Venia)

Technical manual for MultiSafepay's plugin.


Payment methods

By default, this plugin supports all payment methods supported by our Magento 2 plugin out of the box, except:

  • Alipay+ ™ Partner
  • Amazon Pay
  • Direct Debit
  • E-invoicing
  • MyBank
  • Pay After Delivery
  • Pay After Delivery Installments
  • Request To Pay
  • WeChat Pay

You can integrate these payment methods yourself.
See MultiSafepay GitHub – PWA Studio components .


  1. Install the MultiSafepay plugin for supporting GraphQL queries, which includes the MultiSafepay Core, Frontend, and Adminhtml plugins. For instructions, see MultiSafepay GitHub – Magento 2 GraphQL.

  2. Configure the MultiSafepay payment methods and API keys in the Magento admin panel.

  3. To configure URL redirects for your success and cancellation pages, go to Stores > Configuration > MultiSafepay > General Settings > Advanced Settings > Use custom return urls

  • For the Custom redirect URL after canceling the payment, we suggest using the next link: <your_pwa_url>/cart?maskedId={{quote.masked_id}}&multisafepayRestore=true

  • For the Custom "Success page" url, we suggest using the next link: <your_pwa_url>/multisafepay/checkout/success/{{order.increment_id}}/maskedId/{{quote.masked_id}}

  1. Setup a PWA Studio storefront following the steps in this installation guide.

    4.1. Go to the extension folder (or create the directory if this one doesn't exist):

    cd your_project/packages/extensions

    4.2. Create MultiSafepay extension folder:

    mkdir multisafepay-payment-integration

    4.3. Clone all extension files from this repository in multisafepay-payment-integration folder.

    git clone ./multisafepay-payment-integration

    4.4.If your application is based on a PWA Studio version below 12.X, switch to the proper branch. Backward compatibility is supported by these 3 branches:

    git checkout compatibility-v9
    git checkout compatibility-v10
    git checkout compatibility-v11

    4.5. Link extension in venia-concept package.json.
    Go to the venia-concept folder and open package.json:

    cd your_project/

    4.6. Add the next dependency:

    "dependencies": {
         "@multisafepay/multisafepay-payment-integration": "link:./packages/extensions/multisafepay-payment-integration"

    4.7. Go back to the project root folder and execute next commands:

    yarn install && yarn watch:venia
  2. Explore the checkout in your Venia application:
    Screenshot 2021-03-25 at 12 56 46



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