Amazon Pay direct integration

With direct integration, the Amazon Pay button appears in your checkout page, where customers complete payment without being redirected to a payment page.


Supported browsers
  • Apple Safari
  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox

1. Place the Amazon Pay button

Create an element in the <body> of your checkout page where you want to display the Amazon Pay button:

<div id="AmazonPayButton"></div>

⚠️ Note: This element is populated in a later step. For more information, see Display the Amazon Pay button below.

2. Create an order

From your server, create an order > Wallet order. In the Request pane, see Examples > Amazon Pay direct.

Extract the payment_data object from the response.

3. Display the Amazon Pay button

To create an Amazon Pay button, in the AmazonPayButton element, add a script element with the src set to the value returned in payment_data.js. Use amazon.Pay.renderButton() with the data returned in the payment_data.payload object:

<div id="AmazonPayButton"></div>
<script src="{{payment_data.js}}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    amazon.Pay.renderButton('#AmazonPayButton', {
        merchantId: 'merchant_id',
        publicKeyId: 'xxxxxxxxxx',
        ledgerCurrency: 'EUR',
        checkoutLanguage: 'en_GB',
        productType: 'PayAndShip',
        placement: 'Checkout',
        buttonColor: 'Gold',
        createCheckoutSessionConfig: {
            payloadJSON: 'payload',
            signature: 'xxxx'

The button is responsive and it inherits the size of the container element. We recommend specifying the size of the container element, or the button may be distorted if the customer zooms in or out on their browser.

Responsive button logic
  • The button container:
    - Height must be between 45px and 192px
    - Width must be between 150px and 500px
    • If you set a value outside these limits, it is adjusted to the closest supported value.
    • If you only specify the:
      • Height, the width defaults to 500px
      • Width, the height defaults to 45px
    • If you specify both, the height:width ratio must be between 1:10 and 1:2.6. If the ratio is outside those limits, the width defaults to the specified value and the height is adjusted to a supported ratio value.
    • If you don't specify either, the button container defaults to 200px by 45px.

When the customer clicks the button, they are redirected to Amazon Pay to complete payment. If you need to control the Amazon Pay button click event, see Decouple button click and checkout below.

If payment is:

  • Successful, the customer is redirected to the URL in redirect_url
  • Unsuccessful, the customer is redirected to the URL in cancel_url

Decouple button click and checkout

To decouple displaying the Amazon Pay button and checkout:

  • To display the button, use amazon.Pay.renderButton().
  • To start checkout, useamazonPayButton.initCheckout().
var amazonPayButton = amazon.Pay.renderButton('#AmazonPayButton', {
   merchantId: 'xxxxx',
   publicKeyId: 'xxxxxxxxxx', 
   ledgerCurrency: 'EUR',          
   checkoutLanguage: 'en_GB', 
   productType: 'PayAndShip', 
   placement: 'Cart',
   buttonColor: 'Gold'

  // Define your custom actions here
    estimatedOrderAmount: { "amount": "109.99", "currencyCode": "EUR"},
    createCheckoutSessionConfig: { 
      payloadJSON: 'payload',
      signature: 'xxxx',
      publicKeyId: 'xxxxxxxxxx'

4. Test your integration

To test your Amazon Pay direct integration, you need a MultiSafepay test account .

To test, follow these steps:

  1. Create an order > Wallet order.
    Example: Amazon Pay direct
  2. On the Test platform page, wait for 5 seconds or click Amazon Pay.
  3. From the Test scenario list, select Completed.
  4. Click Test.
    The payment is processed in your MultiSafepay test account as Successful, with order status Completed, and transaction status Initialized.




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