
Configure a webhook to receive notifications about orders.

MultiSafepay uses a webhook to send updates about orders and other notifications to your web server.

You can configure the webhook at site level or at order level.

How it works

The webhook is triggered when we have data to send you, or when the order status or transaction status changes, e.g. when:

  • A customer completes payment
  • A customer's payment is declined or fails
  • An order has shipped
  • A refund is processed

MultiSafepay uses HTTPS to send notifications securely to the webhook endpoint configured for your web server.

Our webhook uses the POST method to inform your web server when there is an update, and shares details on what has changed. This is more efficient than a poll-based GET method where your web server must continually check for updates. We do support GET as a notification_method, but we strongly recommend POST.

Webhook communication flow

āš ļø Note: International bank account numbers (IBANs) are sensitive data. For security reasons, we mask them by default in POST webhook notifications so that only the last 4 digits are visible, e.g. *** 1234.
To unmask them, see IBANs.


You must set a webhook endpoint, which is a URL that:

  • Doesn't include port numbers
  • Is publicly accessible, or has MultiSafepay on your allow list
  • Uses HTTPS - We don't accept HTTP for security reasons.

For a list of MultiSafepay IP addresses, email [email protected]

Configure your webhook endpoint

You can configure the webhook endpoint at:

Site level
  1. Sign in to your MultiSafepay account .
  2. Go to Sites, and then click the relevant site.
  3. On the Site profile page, under Functionality, in the Webhook URL field, set your webhook endpoint.

āš ļø Note:* These instructions apply to your notification_url for order updates. For FastCheckout shipping options updates, see Order level below.

Order level
  1. Create an order via our API.
  2. In the request body, set:
    • For order updates:
    • payment_options.notification_url to your webhook endpoint
      • payment_options.notification_method to POST

āš ļø Note: If you configure your webhook endpoint at site and order level, the order level endpoint is used by default.

Example request

curl -X POST \
-d '{
  "type": "redirect",
  "order_id": "my-order-id-1",
  "currency": "EUR",
  "amount": 1000,
  "description": "product description",
  "payment_options": {
      "notification_url": "https://www.example.com/paymentnotification",
      "notification_method": "POST"

Example response
  "success": true,
  "data": {"amount":1000,
  "description":"0.44 For iDEAL Transactions",
  "customer": {
  "email":"[email protected]",
  "description":"Product description",
      "description":"Product description",

āœ… Success! You have configured your webhook endpoint Now you need to configure your web server to handle notifications correctly.

Handle notifications

When there is an update to your order, we notify your web server at the following URL via a POST request:

This URL is your webhook endpoint combined with two additional parameters:

  • transactionid: Your unique identifier for the order, previously set as order_id in your API request.
  • timestamp: The time the notification was triggered.
  • identifier=shipping: For FastCheckout shipping options updates.

The updated order details make up the payload of the request.

1. Check the status

Check the order status in the status field. If necessary, update your backend.

āš ļø Note: You can ignore notifications that:

  • Don't have the timestamp parameter in the URL
  • Have the same order status

2. Validate the request

Every POST notification request includes an HMAC signature that you must use to validate its authenticity. To validate the request, you can either:

  • Use the notification function from our PHP SDK. View on GitHub , or
  • Create your own solution to validate HMAC signatures.

Own solution

To validate the HMAC signature of POST notification requests in your own solution, follow these steps:

  1. Base64 decode the Auth header value of the request.




  2. Split the decoded Auth header value using the colon (:) as separator.

    • The first string is the timestamp.

    • The second string is the HMAC signature.


      Timestamp: 1641218884
      HMAC signature: 06cbf226e7c873eff96921d7fde3998eb6be0de7915ee1c1b5149511fca82e26bb0ab2e6d0e0ad997cbab151e4ba5615418d8e12528301726143ed1146287f93

  3. Concatenate the:

    • Timestamp

    • Colon (:)

    • Payload of the request

      1641218884:{"amount":1000,"amount_refunded":0,"costs":[{"amount":0.49,"description":"0.49 For iDEAL Transactions","transaction_id":"123456789","type":"SYSTEM"}],"created":"2022-01-03T15:08:02","currency":"EUR","custom_info":{"custom_1":null,"custom_2":null,"custom_3":null},"customer":{"address1":null,"address2":null,"city":null,"country":null,"country_name":null,"email":"","first_name":null,"house_number":null,"last_name":null,"locale":"en_US","phone1":null,"phone2":"","state":null,"zip_code":null},"description":"product description","fastcheckout":"NO","financial_status":"initialized","items":null,"modified":"2022-01-03T15:08:02","order_id":"my-order-id", "payment_details":{"account_holder_name":null,"account_iban":"https://example.com","account_id":null,"external_transaction_id":"123456789","issuer_id":"3151","recurring_flow":null,"recurring_id":null,"recurring_model":null,"type":"IDEAL"},"payment_methods":[{"amount":1000,"currency":"EUR","description":"product description","external_transaction_id":"123456789","payment_description":"iDEAL","status":"initialized","type":"IDEAL"}],"reason":"","reason_code":"","related_transactions":null,"status":"initialized","transaction_id":"123456789","var1":null,"var2":null,"var3":null}
  4. SHA512 hash the concatenated string that resulted from step 3, using your API key as the HMAC key.

    If the request is valid, the hashed value from step 4 matches the HMAC signature from step 2.


    HMAC key: 8HHhGgRWrA3O7NswjmgwyH7buPPCGnR5AkwAQyqI

    SHA512 hash: 06cbf226e7c873eff96921d7fde3998eb6be0de7915ee1c1b5149511fca82e26bb0ab2e6d0e0ad997cbab151e4ba5615418d8e12528301726143ed1146287f93

    Additionally, check whether the timestamp is recent and the originating IP address is MultiSafepay's. For a list of MultiSafepay's IP addresses, email [email protected]


We provide a code sample in Python for your reference.

Sample notification validation in Python

import argparse
import base64
import hashlib
import hmac
import sys

# Parse the command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-k", "--apikey", help="API key", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-p", "--payload", help="Payload", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-a", "--authheader", help="Auth header", required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()

# Step 1: Base64 decode the auth header
encoded_auth_bytes = args.authheader.encode("ascii")
decoded_auth_bytes = base64.b64decode(encoded_auth_bytes)
decoded_auth = decoded_auth_bytes.decode("ascii")

# Step 2: Split the decoded auth header
timestamp = decoded_auth.split(':')[0]
signature = decoded_auth.split(':')[1]

# Step 3: Concatenate the timestamp, colon, and payload
concatenated_string = timestamp + ":" + args.payload

# Step 4: SHA512 hash the concatenated string
hashed_value = hmac.new(args.apikey.encode(), concatenated_string.encode(), hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()

# Step 5: Compare the hashed value with the signature
if hashed_value == signature:
  print("The notification is authentic")
  print("Error: The notification is not authentic")

3. Acknowledge the notification

Acknowledge that you have successfully received a valid notification by returning:

  • HTTP status code 200 with OK at the start or end of the message body, or
  • HTTP status code 200 with MULTISAFEPAY_OK anywhere in the message body.

Until we receive your acknowledgment, we resend the notification 3 times at 15 minute intervals, each with a new timestamp.

4. Resend failed notifications

If a notification fails or we don't receive your acknowledgment, we resend the notification 3 times at 15 minute intervals, each with a new timestamp.

If for some reason you don't receive the notification, you can retry it manually in your dashboard.

How to retry notifications in your dashboard
  1. Sign in to your MultiSafepay dashboard .
  2. Go to Transactions > Transaction overview, and then click the relevant transaction.
  3. On the Transaction details page, under Notification history, click and check that the URL displayed is the correct webhook endpoint.
  4. If the webhook endpoint is correct, to resend the notification, click the Resend icon.

If you still don't receive a notification, you may need to authorize MultiSafepay servers' IP addresses on your web server.
For a list of MultiSafepay IP addresses, email [email protected]

āœ… Success! You have configured your webhook endpoint and set up your web server to handle notifications.

Notifications overview

To see a filterable overview of all notifications you've received:

  1. Sign in to your MultiSafepay dashboard .
  2. Go to Transactions > Notifications.



Email [email protected]

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