Create an account
Choose an account type or a free test account, and sign up.
Account types
There are three types of account:
- Merchant
- Partner
- Primary
All account types represent a single legal entity, but can support multiple bank accounts and users with their own login credentials and permissions.
Check which type of account best fits your company:
Test accounts
You may want to start with a test account. This is a free account where you can build and test your integration, explore payment features, and process test transactions. You can then create a live account and onboard to start processing real payments.
To create a free test account:
- Fill out the signup form .
- Sign in to your test dashboard using the security code we email you.
Live accounts
To create and onboard a live account and start processing real payments, follow these steps:
Fill out the relevant signup form:
You receive an email containing your security code.
Use your security code to sign in to your account:
Live accounts open by default to the onboarding steps page. You can navigate away from this page, and return to it via the button under Alert.
For partner/primary accounts, an account manager contacts you to confirm the appropriate account structure for your needs, and guide you through the onboarding process.
Switching to MultiSafepay from another PSP
You can sign up for a MultiSafepay account while still using another PSP without incurring any costs.
A test account lets you process test payments and gives access to all features. MultiSafepay only starts charging monthly fees when you onboard, go live, and begin processing real payments.
Transferring tokens
In collaboration with your current PSP, we can securely transfer tokenized card details. This is especially useful if you process recurring payments or want to offer existing customers the option of reusing their card details.
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Updated over 1 year ago