Second Chance reminders
Boost conversion by sending customers reminders about abandoned payments.
Second Chance is a MultiSafepay solution that automatically emails customers a payment link when they initiate but don't complete a transaction. This helps boost conversion and impulse purchases.
How it works
Second Chance emails are sent:
- 1 hour after the customer initiates the payment, and a second email after 24 hours.
- For manually generated payment links if the customer doesn't click the link to complete payment.
- For a transaction for the same customer, email address, merchant, and website as a previous transaction initiated more than 120 minutes ago, even if the amount is different.
Second Chance emails are not sent:
- While the status of the original transaction is Uncleared, Shipped, or Completed
- For recurring payments
- If you have another Completed transaction with the same
- For each separate transaction for orders with multiple linked transactions (one email is sent per
- For a transaction for the same customer, email address, merchant, and website as a previous transaction initiated less than 120 minutes ago, even if the amount is different.
- Under the GDPR, you must obtain documented consent from the customer to send Second Chance emails.
- You must include the customer's email address in the transaction API request.
- Sign in to your MultiSafepay dashboard .
- Go to Websites, and then click the relevant website.
- On the Website profile page, under Website functionality, select the Enable Second Chance checkbox.
- Click Save.
To integrate, see Recipes – Send payment reminders .
User guide
Supported languages
- Dutch
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Spanish
To set the language of Second Chance emails, see Email styling > Step 6.
⚠️ Note: The language set in the dashboard is overridden by the locale
parameter in the customer
object in create order API requests.
Locale codes per language and country
Code | Language & country |
cs_CZ | Czech |
de_AT | German (Austria) |
de_DE | German (Germany) |
en_US | American English |
fi_FI | Finnish |
fr_BE | French (Belgium) |
fr_FR | French (France) |
it_IT | Italian |
nl_BE | Dutch (Belgium) |
nl_NL | Dutch (Netherlands) |
pl_PL | Polish |
es_ES | Spanish |
sv_SE | Swedish |
zh_CN | Chinese |
Locale example
"customer": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"house_number": "39",
"address1": "Kraanspoor",
"address2": "",
"city": "Amsterdam",
"zip_code": "1033 SC",
"state": "Noord-Holland",
"country": "NL",
"locale": "nl_NL", // Set the language and country code
"phone": "0208500500",
"email": "[email protected]",
"gender": "M",
"birthday": "1980-12-31",
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.111 Safari/537.36",
"referrer": "",
"ip_address": "",
"forwarded_ip": "",
"reference": ""
You can style Second Chance email templates to match your brand's look and feel.
See Email styling > Select the Second Chance email (to customer) template.
Payment link lifetimes
Payment links in Second Chance emails have the same lifetime as the original payment link, which is set to 30 days by default.
How to adjust link lifetimes
To set or adjust the lifetime of a payment link, see API reference – Create order: days_active
⚠️ Note: This is different to transaction expiration times per payment method.
This only applies to certain payment methods:
Adjustable | Non-adjustable |
Banking methods, except direct debits | Direct debits |
Gift cards | Edenred, Paysafecard |
Wallets | PayPal – Links are valid for 14 days. The lifetime is set by PayPal. |
Payment methods
Supported payment methods
Most payment methods are supported, except for:
Potential errors
- Second Chance emails can cause issues when running an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system.
- If you have another order for the same total amount with the same customer email address completed in the last 120 minutes, Second Chance emails are suppressed.
Errors in external plugins
Second Chance emails can create conflicts with external warehouse systems. In some cases, this can be resolved using a cron job. However, this is not always a stable solution.
For example, when a customer cancels an order in the webshop, they can still pay for it using Second Chance within 30 days or a specified time frame. For more information, see API reference – Create order > days_active
If a cancelled order is subsequently paid for, MultiSafepay reopens the order in the webshop. A warehouse system may have already released the reservation on the order when it received Cancelled status, or may consider the Cancelled status permanent. As result, the items the customer ordered may no longer be available or in stock.
For an overview of all Second Chance emails that resulted in successful payment, see Second Chance report.
Email [email protected]
Updated about 2 months ago