Payment links

You can manually generate a link to a payment page to pass to a customer to complete payment.

How it works

Use cases include:

  • A customer wants to adjust an existing order instead of starting over with a new order.
  • You need to create a transaction for a manually generated order.
  • MultiSafepay collects a payment for an amount that doesn't match any order. If you accept the payment, you need to manually generate a payment link and email it to
  • A bank transfer transaction has expired.


No activation is required.


You can generate payment links via the API:

Or via your dashboard:

User guide



If you need to generate multiple payment links, you can speed up the process by cloning existing links.

Link lifetimes

The lifetime of a payment link is how long it remains active for the customer to access the payment page and complete payment. The default is 30 days.

Number of attempts

The customer can open the link to the payment page up to 20 times, after which the link is disabled.

Each attempt creates a new transaction with the same order_id. If the customer completes payment in one of these transactions, the status of the other transactions changes to Duplicate.

Overview and statuses

Overview and statuses

For an overview of all payment links:

  1. Sign in to your MultiSafepay dashboard .
  2. Go to Transactions > Payment links.
Payment link statusDescription
ActiveThe customer hasn't paid yet.
CancelledYou cancelled the link.
CompletedThe customer has paid.
DuplicateThe customer completed payment in a duplicate transaction.
ExpiredThe link lifetime has expired.

Payment methods

Supported payment methods

All payment methods are supported.

The payment page displays all payment methods activated for the relevant website. If you want to display specific payment methods, you need to create a new website profile with only the relevant methods activated.




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