PayPal smart button integration

PayPal smart button enables customers to complete the payment with a one-click checkout solution without being redirected to a payment page. The checkout solution allows customers to pay in 4 or monthly installments using PayPal BNPL method.


1. Initialize

To get the JavaScript SDK URL, include your api_key in the request:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>'
  • Replace api_key with your API key.
  • currency is defaulted to EUR and is Optional.

Sample response:

    "data": {
        "client_id": "demo-1xswpeBTDCq8PuDPYecrfdd2aPTU3RcvrgNQWy7-bgJd_TpzZMAif38cuz2C4EeTBPo",
        "js_sdk_url": "",
        "merchant_id": "demo-ASKJDKFUIRJFNDED"
    "success": true

Use js_sdk_url from the response to add the SDK.

2. Add the SDK

To integrate the PayPal JS SDK, add js_sdk_url in the script tag:

<script src="%js_sdk_url%"></script>

Alternatively, you can use client_id and merchant_id to load the SDK as a module, for example:

import { loadScript } from "@paypal/paypal-js";
loadScript({ "client-id": client_id,"merchant-id":merchant_id })
.then((paypal) => {
    // start to use the PayPal JS SDK script
.catch((err) => {
    console.error("failed to load the PayPal JS SDK script", err);
  • Replace client-id with your client_id.
  • Replace merchant-id with your merchant_id.

āš ļø


The naming convention for MultiSafepay is in underscores (_), whereas for PayPal, it is in dashes (-).

For more information about JavaScript SDK, see PayPal Developer - JS SDK script configuration.

Display the PayPal checkout button

Create an element in the <body> where you want to display the PayPal checkout button:

<div id="paypal-button-container"></div>

Render the PayPal button

For information about styling your PayPal button, see - style PayPal button.

3. Create order

  • When the customer clicks the PayPal button, the createOrder function is called.
  • From your server, create an order > Wallet order > PAYPAL.
    In response to the request, you receive payment_details.external_transaction_id.
  • The button launches the PayPal checkout experience.

4. Capture order

  • When customer approves the payment, the button calls the onApprove function, to finalize the transaction.
  • From your server, capture an order.

Server sample:

            // Call your server to create an order
            createOrder: function(data, actions) {
              ... //Parse order from your server and return
             return order.payment_details.external_transaction_id

            // Call your server to capture the transaction
            onApprove: function(data, actions) { 
              ... //Parse response from your server 
               if(order.message == 'INSTRUMENT_DECLINED') {
            return actions.restart();

For more information, see PayPal Developer - PayPal JS SDK reference.

5. Test your integration

After you've implemented the steps above, to test your integration:

PayPal must be onboarded in your MultiSafepay account.

  1. In the Test environment , follow all the steps above.
  2. On the Test platform page, click the PayPal button.

    A popup appears containing the PayPal test store.
  3. Select Pay now, and then click Save.
    The order is successfully completed.

āš ļø Note: If you select the card payment option from test scenario list, you will receive an INSTRUMENT_DECLINED error.