Partner and primary accounts

Partner account holders manage the accounts of multiple affiliated merchants, which they charge a fee.

1. Create affiliate accounts

To create a new affiliated account in your dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your partner/primary account .
  2. Go to the affiliate dashboard, and then click Affiliates.
  3. In the affiliate dashboard top-right corner, copy the Partnerlink and send it to your affiliates.
  4. To customize a welcome email, go to Settings > Email styling, and then click the relevant website.
  5. On the Email templates page, click Add new.
  6. On the Email styling for <your-website-name> page, under Add new email template, click Load default template.
  7. Edit the template and fill out the fields as required.
  8. Click Save.

2. Onboard affiliate accounts

All affiliates must onboard and sign an agreement with MultiSafepay, containing general terms and conditions.

You can also automate onboarding affiliates via our API.

💬 Support: For any questions, affiliates can email [email protected]

3. Access affiliated accounts

To access an affiliate's account:

  1. Sign in to your partner/primary account .
  2. Under the Action column for the relevant merchant, click Sign in.

Here you can manage:

  • Account ID and settings
  • Company name and business model
  • Registration data
  • Phone number, email address
  • Screening status and actions
  • Technical integrations, reports, and other tools
  • Transactions, refunds, and balance

4. Charge affiliates

You can charge fees to affiliates at three levels.

Account levelCharge
Partner/primary levelSet fixed or percentage-based transaction fees for all affiliated merchant accounts.
Affiliate levelSet fixed or percentage-based transaction fees for a specific affiliated merchant account.
This overrides the partner/primary-level settings.
Transaction levelSplit incoming payments between multiple merchant and/or partner accounts.
You can use this feature for both partner/primary and affiliate-level charges.



Email [email protected]

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