Payment statuses

There are two statuses for each payment that update as it is processed:

  • Order status: Changes as the customer's order with you progresses towards shipment.
    API attribute: status
  • Transaction status: Changes as the funds progress towards settlement in your account balance.
    API attribute: financial_status
How to view statuses
  1. Sign in to your MultiSafepay dashboard .
  2. Go to Transactions > Transaction overview, and then click the relevant transaction.
  3. On the Transaction details page, the statuses appear under Transaction history.

Payment statuses

The meaning of statuses (or combinations of statuses) varies per payment method. To check specific meanings, see the relevant payment method page.

The table below sets out possible order and transaction statuses and what they commonly mean.

DescriptionOrder statusTransaction status
The customer has initiated a transaction.InitializedInitialized
The customer has successfully completed the transaction.CompletedCompleted
The transaction has been cancelled.VoidCancelled
The customer has requested a chargeback.VoidVoid
The customer didn't complete payment and the transaction expired.
Transaction expiry times vary per payment method.
The issuer or acquirer has declined the transaction.
See also Card errors.
Manually capture or decline the transaction.UnclearedUncleared
The order has been shipped and the funds are still pending.ShippedUncleared

Refund and chargeback statuses

The following statuses apply to refunds and chargebacks.

DescriptionOrder statusTransaction status
Refund initiated.Initialized/ReservedInitialized/Reserved
Refund/chargeback complete.CompletedCompleted
The refund has been processed successfully.RefundedRefunded
The partial refund has been processed successfully.Partial_refundedPartial_refunded
The refund was declined.DeclinedDeclined

If the status of the refund is Reserved, it may mean: 

  • The refund hasn't been processed yet. Refunds are passed to the customer's bank at midnight on the day they are initiated, and then the status changes to Completed. The bank is now responsible for processing the payment. Refunds may be delayed by the issuing bank.
  • The refund cannot be processed due to insufficient funds in your account balance. To top up your balance, see Topping up your balance.

Payout statuses

The following statuses apply to payouts.

Payout initiated.Reserved
Payout completed.Completed
Payout cancelled.Void




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