Billink is a Dutch BNPL payment method available for both B2C and B2B transactions. It allows customers to receive goods before payment, settling the invoice within 30 days. Billink performs real-time credit checks and assumes the risk of non-payment.

CountriesNetherlands, Belgium, Germany
Payment pagesYes
RefundsYes: Full and partial

Payment flow

This diagram shows the flow for a successful transaction. Click to magnify.

Pay After Delivery payment flow

Payment statuses

The table below sets out the order status and transaction status for payments and refunds.

DescriptionOrder statusTransaction status
Billink's credit check is in progress.InitializedInitialized
The transaction was cancelled.VoidVoid
Billink declined the transaction.DeclinedDeclined
Billink has authorized the transaction and the funds are awaiting capture.CompletedUncleared
⚠️ Note: Manually change the order status to Shipped .
Order status must be changed to Shipped to be able to capture the funds.
MultiSafepay has collected the payment.ShippedCompleted
The order has not been payed within 30 days.ExpiredExpired
Refunds: Billink has successfully processed a full or partial refund.CompletedCompleted
Refunds: The refund was declined.DeclinedDeclined


  1. Email a request to [email protected]
    We check your eligibility and if approved, activate the payment method for your account.
  2. Once approved, to activate the method in your dashboard, sign in to your MultiSafepay dashboard .
  3. To activate the payment method for:
    • All websites, go to Settings > Payment methods.
    • A specific website, go to Websites, and then click the relevant website.
  4. Select the checkbox for the payment method, and then click Save.

💬 Support: If the payment method isn't visible in your dashboard, email [email protected]



See API reference – Create order > BNPL order.

Example requests

For example requests, on the Create order page, in the black sandbox, see Examples > Billink redirect.

  • A shopping_cart object is required for all BNPL orders. See Recipes – Include shopping_cart in order .

  • For direct orders, you must display your terms and conditions in your checkout.

Ready made solutions

Billink is supported in most ready-made integrations .

  • Exceptions:
    • Craft Commerce
    • Odoo
    • OsCommerce
    • Shopify
    • Zen Cart


Testing will soon be available for this payment method.

User guide


Different billing and shipping addresses are supported.

Amount limits

Minimum and maximum order amounts apply. Email [email protected]


You can cancel the invoice order before shipment or after partial shipment.

How to cancel an order

In your dashboard

  1. Sign in to your MultiSafepay dashboard .
  2. Go to Transactions > Transaction overview, and then click the relevant transaction.
  3. On the Transaction details page, click Cancel.
  4. Add a description of what happened with the order, and then click Complete.
    The order status changes to Void and the transaction status to Cancelled.

Collection flow

  • Billink sends the customer an invoice after the order is shipped in full, or partially shipped and the remaining items cancelled.
  • If the customer fails to pay within the initial 30 day period, Billink sends reminders of their obligation to pay, in accordance with the Wet Incasso Kosten (WIK).
  • The customer can contact Billink if there is an issue with the payment.
  • If the customer still fails to pay, Billink sends the invoice to a debt collector.
  • If necessary, you can delay the collection flow by placing the transaction on hold.


To refund a Billink transaction, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your MultiSafepay dashboard .
  2. Navigate to Transactions / Transactions Overview and find the transaction you want to refund, or search for the transaction you want to refund by using the search bar.
  3. Click on the transaction to go to the transaction details page.
  4. On the right side of the page are the order details and a blue Refund button.
  5. In this section you can remove order lines or refund the complete order.


When you ship the order, you must manually change the order status from Completed to Shipped, which:

  • Captures the funds
  • Prevents the order from expiring
How to change the order status to shipped

In your dashboard

  1. Sign in to your MultiSafepay dashboard .
  2. Go to Transactions > Transactions overview, and then click the relevant transaction.
  3. On the Transaction details page, under Order details, click Change order status.
  4. Change the status to Shipped.
  5. Send the customer the track and trace details, if relevant.

In your backend

If you change the order status in your backend, the following ready-made integrations pass the updated status to your dashboard automatically:

  • Magento 2 and WooCommerce: When you set the order to Shipped in your backend.
  • Shopware 5: When you set the order to Delivered in your backend.

For other ready-made integrations, make an update order API request.

⚠️ Note: Some third-party plugins may not support updating the status via our API.


Due to changes to the Wet op het consumentenkrediet, merchants who apply surcharges to BNPL methods are now deemed credit providers under article 7:57 of the Burgerlijk Wetboek. This requires a permit from the Authority for Financial Markets (AFM).

We therefore strongly recommend not applying surcharges.

For more information, email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])