Payment methods

Activate payment methods for your account.

MultiSafepay offers a wide range of payment methods.


Some payment methods, especially Banking methods, can be activated directly via your dashboard.

How to activate standard payment methods
  1. Sign in to your MultiSafepay dashboard .
  2. To activate the payment method for:
  • All sites, go to Settings > Payment methods.
  • A specific site, go to Sites, and then click the relevant site.
    This overwrites your global selection. Only the payment methods selected for the site will then be available.
  1. Select the checkbox for the payment method, and then click Save changes.

Tip: if you do not set site-specific methods, the global configuration will be applied.

💬 Support: If the payment method isn't visible in your dashboard, email [email protected]

How to activate optional payment methods
For instructions to activate additional payment methods, see the respective pages and follow individual activation steps. \

If you use a ready-made integration, first check that the payment method is supported.


Before you start processing real transactions, test each payment method. For more information - see Testing payment methods



Email [email protected]

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