Prohibited products and services

As a payment service provider, MultiSafepay is subject to Dutch and European legislation and regulations. We must also comply with specific policies set by each payment method we offer.

We must account for risk and potential reputational damage. Therefore, we prohibit the sale of some products and services, or require additional information from the merchant.


MultiSafepay has an obligation to ensure you comply with relevant legislation and that your customers meet the requirements for purchasing alcohol.

Dutch law states that alcohol cannot be sold to customers under the age of 18. You must verify customers' age when selling or delivering orders that include alcohol. When orders are delivered, customers must show a valid identification document with their date of birth, e.g.:

  • Passport
  • Dutch driving license
  • European or Dutch ID card

If you sell alcohol, you must clearly state it on your website.

Prohibited products and services

CryptocurrencyPlatforms for cryptocurrency trading
EroticaErotic and pornographic images
Sex, dating, and mail order brides
Prostitution and escort services
Food supplementsSteroids
Food supplements that:
- Endanger health
- Make (medical) claims not supported by scientific evidence
- Contain ingredients not (yet) approved by the European Commission
Gambling and games of chanceGambling and games of chance (prohibited whether you have a license or not)
Binary options or contracts for differences (CFDs)
Penny auctions
Pyramid schemes and other (consciously or unconsciously) "get rich quick" schemes
Live organismsAny sort of live organisms offered in any way
PseudomedicinesYou must have the required licenses to trade in regulated drugs or apothecary services.
Socially inappropriate behaviorsProducts/services used to provoke or support terrorism or political violence
Misleading marketing practices
Misleading, unjustifiable, or indecent products or services
Mind-altering substances
Equipment for growing cannabis or producing other illegal, mind-altering substances
TobaccoCigarettes and cigars
Pipe tobacco containing nicotine
WeaponsSelling weapons or related accessories
Encouraging the use of weapons in any way

Visa and Mastercard High Risk Programs

Under Visa and Mastercard's High Risk programs, you will be subject to a 500 USD fee if you sell any of the high-risk products and services listed below. The fee is collected as an annual recurring payment.

5122: Drugs, drug proprietaries, druggist sundriesSale of prescription-required drugs, cross-border card-absent transactions
5912: Drug stores, pharmaciesSale of prescription-required drugs, cross-border card-absent transactions
5962: Direct marketingTravel-related arrangement services
5966: Direct marketingOutbound telemarketing
5967: Direct marketingInbound telemarketing
5993: Cigar stores and standsSale of cigarettes in a card-absent environment
7273: Dating servicesCard absent transactions
7995: BettingLottery tickets, casino gaming chips, off-track betting, and wagers at race tracks
4816: Computer network/information servicesCard-absent environment transactions
5816: Digital goods/gamesCard-absent environment transactions
6051: Non-financial institutionsCard-absent environment transactions
n/aMerchants that fall under the Excessive Chargeback Program
n/aSale of replicas and "inspired by" items
5967, 7841Non-face-to-face adult content and services
7801, 7802, 7995Non-face-to-face gambling
5122, 5912Non-face-to-face pharmaceuticals
5993Non-face-to-face tobacco products
7994Skill games
4816High-risk cyberlocker
6211High-risk securities
5968Negative option billing
n/aMerchants that fall under the Excessive Chargeback Program
n/aSale of replicas and "inspired by" items



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