Email styling
Customize emails to customers to match your brand's look and feel.
You can style emails to customers, payment pages, and success pages to match your brand's look and feel.
Emails to customers
Use our pre-formatted and/or pre-written templates and populate them with your content.
Sign in to your MultiSafepay dashboard .
Go to Settings > Email styling, and then click the relevant website.
On the Email templates page, click Add new.
From the Type list, select the template type.
Template types
Bank transfer details email (to customer)
For sending customers MultiSafepay's bank details for redirect bank
transfers.Chargeback email (to merchant)
For notifying you when a customer requests a chargeback.Make sure you add an email addresses for us to send these emails to in your dashboard, under
Account information > Chargebacks email.Manual capture completed (to customer)
For notifying customers that you have manually captured reserved funds for an uncleared transaction.Manual capture completed (to merchant)
For confirming that you have manually captured reserved funds for an uncleared transaction.Partial and/or full capture completed (to customer)
For notifying customers that you have partially or fully captured reserved funds for an uncleared transaction.Partial and/or full capture completed (to merchant)
For confirming that you have partially or fully captured reserved funds for an uncleared transaction.Refund complete email (to customer)
For notifying customers that you have processed their refund.Second Chance email (to customer)
For sending customers a friendly reminder to complete a payment.Make sure you have enabled Second Chance in your MultiSafepay dashboard.
Transaction completed email (to customer)
For sending payment confirmation to customers.Transaction completed email (to merchant)
For notifying you that a customer has successfully completed a payment.
From the Language list, select the email language.
Supported languages
- Dutch
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Spanish
⚠️ Note: The language you set here is overridden by the
parameter in create order requests.Locale example
{ "customer": { "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe", "house_number": "39", "address1": "Kraanspoor", "address2": "", "city": "Amsterdam", "zip_code": "1033 SC", "state": "Noord-Holland", "country": "NL", "locale": "nl_NL", // Set the language and country code "phone": "0208500500", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "M", "birthday": "1980-12-31", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.111 Safari/537.36", "referrer": "", "ip_address": "", "forwarded_ip": "", "reference": "" } }
Locale codes per language and country
Code Language & country cs_CZ
Czech de_AT
German (Austria) de_DE
German (Germany) en_US
American English fi_FI
Finnish fr_BE
French (Belgium) fr_FR
French (France) it_IT
Italian nl_BE
Dutch (Belgium) nl_NL
Dutch (Netherlands) pl_PL
Polish es_ES
Spanish sv_SE
Swedish zh_CN
Chinese -
Either click Load default template, or fill in the fields as required.
From address field
In the From address field, enter the email address you want the email sent from, e.g. [email protected].
⚠️ Note: If you enter a from address other than [email protected], to avoid emails being marked as spam, we recommend adding the following DNS record to your domain:
v=spf1 ip4: ip4: mx
From name field
In the From name field, enter the name you want the email sent by, e.g. your company name.
Subject field
In the Subject field, enter a subject.
Edit the text either in the Body plain field, or if you know HTML and CSS, you can fully customize the content and layout in the Body HTML field. To view the HTML/CSS code, click Source.
How to add links
- Click the Link icon.
- Select the link type: URL, Anchor link, or Mailto link.
- Fill in the additional fields as required, and then click OK.
How to use tokens
To save time, you can use @tokens@ to auto-fill personalized details in emails.
- In the Body HTML editor, click the Token icon.
- Select a token from the list, and then click OK.
The table below describes all available tokens.
Token Output ACCOUNT The account_id
of a FastCheckout customerACCOUNTADDRESS The customer's address and street name ACCOUNTADDRESSAPARTMENT The customer's house number ACCOUNTCITY The customer's city of residence ACCOUNTCOUNTRY The customer's country of residence ACCOUNT EMAIL The customer's email address ACCOUNTFIRSTNAME The customer's first name ACCOUNTLASTNAME The customer's last name ACCOUNTNR Your MultiSafepay account ID ACCOUNTZIPCODE The customer's ZIP code ADDRESS1 Your company address line 1 ADDRESS2 Your company address line 2 ADDRESS3 Your company address line 3 BANKHOLDERNAME The account holder name for a bank transfer BANKIBAN The IBAN for a bank transfer BANKPAYMENTID The payment reference for a bank transfer BANKTRANSFERBIC The BIC for a bank transfer BANKTRANSFERHOLDER The account holder name receiving a bank transfer BANKTRANSFERID The reference for a bank transfer BIRTHYDAY The customer's date of birth CITY Your company city of residence COMPANYNAME Your company name given in your MultiSafepay account CONTENT The items in the shopping cart COUNTRY The ISO 3166 code for your company country COUNTRYCODE The ISO 3166 code for your company country CURRENTDATE Today's date DELIVERYINVOICEURL The invoice URL for delivery DELIVERYREASON The reason for delivery DELIVERYCARRIER The carrier used for delivery DELIVERYTRACKINGURL The track and trace URL for delivery DELIVERYTRACKINGCODE The track and trace code for delivery DELIVERYSHIPDATE The shipping date for delivery DESCRIPTION The account ID to receive money DESTAMOUNT The amount to be received DESTAMOUNTFORMATCUR The amount (and currency to be paid by the customer via bank transfer transactions DESTCURRENCY The currency of the amount to be received DESTFORMATAMOUNTCUR The currency and amount to be paid out EMAIL The customer's email address FINANCIAL EMAIL Your invoices email address FIRSTNAME The customer's first name and email address set as sender for emails FROMNAME The name of the sender's email account GENDER The customer's gender LASTNAME The customer's last name MERCHANTCITY Your company city of residence MERCHANTCOUNTRY Your company country of residence MERCHANTLOGOHTML The HTML code for your logo MERCHANTNAME Your company's full name MERCHANTPHONESUPPORT Your customer service phone number MERCHANTPO Your customer tracking number MERCHANTSUPPORT EMAIL Your customer service email address MERCHANTTRANSACTIONID Your transaction reference number ORDERSTATUS The order status PAYLINK The payment link PAYMENTMETHOD The payment method PHONE Your company phone number REFUNDDESTINATION The bank account number to receive a refund REPORT EMAIL Your reports email address SITENAME The website name SITEURL The website URL STATE The province or state STATUS The transaction status SUBJECT The email subject line TOTALAMOUNT The total amount of the order TRANSACTIONID The MultiSafepay transaction ID TRANSCOMP EMAIL Your email address for completed transactions VARA Var1 from your create order request VARB Var2 from your create order request VARC Var3 from your create order request VATNUMBER Your company VAT number ZIPCODE Your company ZIP code
How to add your logo
To add your logo to emails to increase customers' recognition and trust, follow these steps:
- Sign in to your MultiSafepay dashboard .
- Go to Settings > Files.
- Under Upload a new file, select the relevant file, and then click Choose file.
- Under Upload queue, click Upload or Upload all.
The file appears under File directory. - Go to Settings > Email styling, and then click the relevant website.
- At the end of the row of the relevant email, click the orange pen icon to edit the template.
- Click the Image icon in the first row of the editor.
- In the Image properties dialog, under URL, click Browse server.
- On the row of the relevant file, click the green Use image icon.
- In the Image properties dialog, edit the image's parameters as required: height, border, horizontal space, vertical space, and alignment.
- Click OK, and then click Save.
How to add an inline frame
Inline frames (Iframes) are HTML documents embedded inside another HTML document, which you can use to insert content from another source into the email template.
- Go to the Body HTML editor on the email template page, and then click the Iframe icon.
- In the Iframe window, enter the URL of the Iframe.
- Edit other parameters as required: width, height, alignment, name, and title.
- Click OK.
Click Save.
Email [email protected]
Updated about 2 months ago