Free integration for MultiSafepay payment solutions.
MultiSafepay has partnered with Coppermine , which offers a complete ecommerce suite including CRM, B2B, B2C, subscriptions, customer service, logistics, and finance.
How to integrate
To integrate MultiSafepay as your payment service provider, follow these steps:
1. In your dashboard
- Sign in to your MultiSafepay dashboard .
- Go to Websites, and add the required website(s) to your account.
- In the Website profile page for each website:
- Activate the required payment methods.
- In the Webhook URL field, add the Coppermine webhook endpoint for sending status updates and other notifications.
For more information, see Configure your webhook endpoint.
- Copy your:
- Account ID (top-right corner of the dashboard)
- Website ID, API key, and security code
2. In Coppermine
- Sign in to your Coppermine backend, and then go to Settings.
- To configure the MultiSafepay PaymentMethod Gateway, enter your:
- MultiSafepay account ID
- Site ID, API key, and security code
3. Testing
- Place some test orders in your webshop and Coppermine backend.
- Check the transactions in Coppermine and your MultiSafepay dashboard.
- When everything is working correctly, in your Coppermine backend, set the PaymentMethod Gateway to Production mode.
- For technical queries about the integration, see Coppermine support
- To contact MultiSafepay, email
Updated 9 days ago