

We are gradually migrating to iDeal 2.0, an enhanced version of this payment method.


  • For users of our redirect solution:
    Our payment page no longer displays an issuer list when iDeal is selected.
    Instead, the customer is redirected to the iDeal environment to select the issuer.
  • For users of our direct solution (via API):
    The issuer is selected within the iDeal environment. The parameter issuer_id is no longer required for requests with type direct.

iDEAL is the leading payment method in the Netherlands and links all major Dutch retail banks. Customers pay via mobile banking app, QR code, or in their own online banking environment. Once a payment is completed, the customer cannot reverse it and iDEAL guarantees settlement.

Read how iDEAL can benefit your business on multisafepay.com

Payment componentsYes
Payment pagesYes (Banking: Current and deprecated versions, QR: Current only)
Recurring paymentsYes (banking only)
RefundsYes: Full and partial
Second ChanceYes

Payment flow

This diagram shows the flow for a successful transaction. Click to magnify.

iDEAL payment flow

Payment statuses

The table below sets out the order status and transaction status for payments and refunds.

DescriptionOrder statusTransaction status
The customer has been redirected to their bank.InitializedInitialized
MultiSafepay has collected payment.CompletedCompleted
The customer cancelled the transaction via their bank.VoidVoid/Cancelled
iDEAL processing error.DeclinedDeclined
The customer didn't complete payment within 1 hour.ExpiredExpired
Refunds: Refund initiated.InitializedInitialized
Refunds: Refund pending (banking only).ReservedReserved
Refunds: Refund complete.CompletedCompleted


  1. Sign in to your MultiSafepay dashboard .
  2. To activate the payment method for:
  • All websites, go to Settings > Payment methods.
  • A specific website, go to Websites, and then click the relevant website.
  1. Select the checkbox for the payment method, and then click Save changes.

💬 Support: If the payment method isn't visible in your dashboard, email [email protected]



  • See API reference – Create order > Banking order.

    Example requests

    For example requests, on the Create order page, in the black sandbox, see Examples > iDEAL direct/QR/redirect.

  • Transactions expire after 1 hour.

Ready-made integrations


To test iDEAL payments, see Testing payment methods - Banking methods.

User guide

Brand recognition

To increase brand recognition for customers, the name of your website appears on the iDEAL payment page and "[Your website name] by MultiSafepay" on the customer's bank statement.


iDEAL QR has a wide range of applications. Customers can scan QR codes off screens or paper (e.g. invoices, receipts), and change the amount to pay. This makes it particularly suitable for hospitality, charity collectors, and home deliveries. You can specify whether the same QR code can be used more than once.

Not all Dutch banking apps support iDEAL QR yet, so we recommend that customers scan QR codes with their camera or a general QR reader. This redirects to the ideal.nl payment page, which works for all banks.

iDEAL redirection

For iDEAL redirect flows, customers are automatically redirected to the iDEAL environment after selecting it as their payment method. To disable this, set payment_options.settings.gateways.IDEAL.show_pre to true.


  "payment_options": {
    "close_window": false,
    "settings": {
      "gateways": {
        "IDEAL": {
          "show_pre": true
  "customer": {
    "locale": "en_US",
    "disable_send_email": false
  "checkout_options": {
    "validate_cart": false
  "days_active": 30,
  "seconds_active": 2592000,
  "type": "redirect",
  "order_id": "test-order-0001",
  "currency": "EUR",
  "amount": 1000,
  "description": "Test order description"


iDEAL supports a number of Dutch issuers:

Supported issuers
  • ASN Bank
  • bunq
  • ING
  • Knab
  • Nationale Nederlanden
  • N26
  • Rabobank
  • Regio Bank
  • Revolut
  • SNS Bank
  • Triodos Bank
  • Van Lanschot Kempen
  • Yoursafe

iDEAL redirection

For iDEAL redirect requests, the customer will be automatically redirected to the iDEAL payment page after clicking your payment link. To disable this, set payment_options.settings.gateways.IDEAL.show_pre to true.


  "payment_options": {
    "close_window": false,
    "settings": {
      "gateways": {
        "IDEAL": {
          "show_pre": true
  "customer": {
    "locale": "en_US",
    "disable_send_email": false
  "checkout_options": {
    "validate_cart": false
  "days_active": 30,
  "seconds_active": 2592000,
  "type": "redirect",
  "order_id": "test-order-0001",
  "currency": "EUR",
  "amount": 1000,
  "description": "Test order description"



Email [email protected]

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