A pricing model used by banks and card schemes.
Banks and card schemes all charge different fees to cover the operational costs of managing their network and processing card payments.
There are three cost components for the Interchange++ model:
- The Interchange fee that is paid to the issuing bank
- The scheme fee charged by Visa or Mastercard
- The acquirer fee
These costs vary considerably depending on a range of factors, including the:
- Merchant's country
- Issuing bank
- Cardholder
- Merchant segment
- Monthly transaction volume
When you create a MultiSafepay account, we provide an estimate of these costs.
Specific transaction costs
The actual cost of a specific transaction is difficult to predict. Fees differ per transaction, based on factors such as the:
- Country where the card was issued
- Country where the transaction is processed
- Type of card, e.g. corporate or customer card
- Way the card is processed, e.g. level of security
- Amount of the transaction
To ensure transparency, payment service providers can choose the Interchange++ pricing model, which breaks down the costs for each transaction. There are no preset prices, instead the fee is calculated based on the total cost of all transactions processed.
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Updated about 1 year ago